“It hurts this directive that Athletic is not strong”

Aitor Elizegi suffered a Hard setback in the form of rejection of Athletic's commissioning partners at the closing of last season's budget, the approval of the accounts for this season and the project for the animation stand. The rojiblanco president, despite the blow, remains firm in his intention to move forward with the three items on the agenda that were rejected in the first instance.

“The first thing we need now is self-criticism, the second reflection and the third listening. We have not been able to convey the message in a very complex 2020. You have to continue to believe in participation and be able to look over any interest. It hurts this directive that Athletic is not strong, not capable. Message of respect and it is true that now and later we will continue to be a capable club ”, argued Elizegi.

The Athletic president stressed that “we have not managed to convey our message. A budget that we have to share and the same vision. Only from this agreement can we get this budget forward. Now what is needed is a quota proposal and an agreement with the players (salary reduction) ”.

The so-called social quota (the club retains 30% of the annual price of the card for matters related to Lezama, Feminine, Biscayan football and others) seems to have weighed on a good number of delegates when casting their negative vote. “We knew he had an answer. It is an extraordinary help in an extraordinary situation, the social quota. We thought we had to do this journey, that it was fairer. Let's see if we are capable between the club, member and assembly to bring a convincing proposal ”.