“It doesn’t come as a surprise to me”

The pregnancy and subsequent birth of Gabriela Guillén and Bertín Osborne’s son triggered a real media tsunami Until, finally, the ranchera singer acknowledged paternity of the baby in June, five months after the birth of the creature, and the waters calmed down: “Gabriela deserves all my respect,” he said about the Paraguayan. Nevertheless, the paternity suit continues its course. The judge has not stopped the process and as Beatriz Cortázar announced this week, the trial will be held at the end of the year.

Meanwhile, other information has also come to light that puts both the artist and the mother of the creature at the centre of the news. The latest, that of the baptism of the child. As Adriana Dorronsoro announced a few days ago in Let’s see it is It was held last May in Madrigalejo, Cáceresat a friend’s farm. According to the journalist, The singer was not among the guestsIt should be remembered that if it had taken place when Dorronsoro says, the statement recognizing paternity had not yet been sent.

Gabriela Guillén has spoken in the first person after this information and has denied having baptized her son: “That’s a lie, it’s not true. Ask the person who said it because someone has given false news”the physiotherapist said on Wednesday. He also pointed out that the information comes from “malicious people” and that “Bertín has nothing to do with it.”.

After all this, Dorronsoro herself reaffirmed this Thursday on the Mediaset set: “Honestly, this doesn’t surprise me. I knew Gabriela was going to deny it. This isn’t the first time she’s done this.“I stand by my information, because of the way it reaches me, the person who tells me and the details he gives me, I believe that this information is true.”

He added: “I knew that Gabriela was going to deny it because it is not the first time that she denies information from colleagues and then it turns out to be true”. And he has launched an accusatory dart: “You’ve been caught in many lies and I knew you were going to do it again”.

In this sense, he has sentenced: “And, by chance, look, the photo that I said was from that day, from the weekend when that baptism took place, has disappeared from your world. It turns out that after telling the information, the photo no longer exists. It makes me think that for some reason you must have wanted that photo to disappear. It’s okay. I understand that you deny it, but I don’t understand the ‘malicious’ part because I don’t think it’s bad information. But anyway, I stand by it.“.
