Isabel Rábago says that the “only right is that of Santi Abascal” and that Feijóo assumes the socialist discourse

The journalist, who worked as a media advisor for the Popular Party during the Mariano Rajoyhas now become the scourge of Núñez FeijóoNeither the new president nor his team pleases Isabel Rabagowho does not mince words when it comes to giving her opinion, whether in the media or on social networks. This Wednesday, the Mediaset commentator shared a new speech criticizing the ‘disappearance’ of the blues in the face of the latest government crises (amnesty, immigration…) and points to Santiago Abascal as the only person who can stand up to socialism Sánchez and company.

“No, Feijóo’s PP is not the Spanish right. This PP is the new Ciudadanos, an ideological weather vane that prefers to negotiate with Sánchez rather than with Santi Abascal. This PP has been missing all summer, on its summer loungers because its ‘lordships’ were exhausted. I don’t know what! Now it’s time to hyperventilate for the new course… Now it’s all national emergencies to justify the salary. And where are we Spaniards? It’s exhausting,” he wrote.

Along with the text, a video confirming his words: “If there is still someone in Spain who thinks that the right is the Popular Party, they should take a look at themselves. They are always following Sánchez’s PSOE’s lead, holding out their hand to Sánchez, assuming the discourse and the narrative of ‘sanchismo’, the language of ‘sanchismo’, of the left. Enough is enough.”she says indignantly. “Does anyone believe that by voting for Feijóo we are going to solve any of the real problems we have? During the whole summer, the PP has been missing and now everything is in a hurry. We are tired of this hyperventilation, of this overacting.”

The journalist, also a lawyer, continues: “Everyone claims to speak on behalf of the Spanish people, but no one asks us what we think about amnesty, about amnesty for the corrupt, what we have to say about the Catalan quota, what we want our taxes to be invested in… They don’t ask us anything at all, they just want us to give our vote to some gentlemen who for four years have done and undone whatever they want and claim to speak in the name of Spain.”

Rábago concludes his speech with a plea about Vox: “The only right in Spain is that of Santiago Abascal, everything else is centrist, socialist or extreme left. That’s it.”
