Isabel Rábago, enraged after seeing Eva Amaral with her tits in the air: “What right has she won?”

Eva Amaral starred this Saturday at the Sonorama in Aranda de Duero in an image that is already part of the musical history of this country. As a claim for the freedom and dignity of women’s nudity, the 51-year-old composer sang with her breasts exposed, provoking a wave of reactions.

Since then, opinions have been given for all tastes. From countless supports from known and anonymous people, to detractors who don’t share the reason why he did it.

In this last group, Isabel Rabago (49): “What right have you gained by showing your tits? I don’t get it. We continue to have the same rights and obligations,” she snapped angrily this Monday, August 13 on Telecinco.

The journalist, who was responsible for communication for Isabel Díaz Ayuso in Madrid, has also said, outraged and beside herself: “Where were the boobs when they were needed? They seem nonsense to me.”

The social gathering has not held back and has sent a message directly to the vocalist: “Don’t sell me the absurd little speech that there is censorship in Spain.” And she has thrown a little pull at him: “If she has done it to sell records, I applaud her.”

On the set he has found voices for and against. “I don’t understand what was claimed either,” he said Anthony Rossi, who recently announced a wedding to her 20-something boyfriend. the journalist Marisa Martin Blazquez He has explained that to this day women’s (not masculine) nipples continue to be censored on Instagram and that Amaral’s gesture comes after the stoppage of a concert by Rocio Saiz in Murcia for showing her breasts on stage.