Account Jaime Penafiel that back in the spring of 1978, a source told him, when he was editor-in-chief of Hola, the infidelity of Isabella Preysler with the Marquis of Griñón, while still married to Julio Iglesias. The Filipina, upon learning from the journalist himself that hers with Carlos Falco He had reached nothing less than a heart weekly, it took him ten hours to tell the singer and father of his three eldest children that he wanted to separate.
It was an anonymous female voice that left a recording on the answering machine in the office of Jaime Penafiel (in the editorial office of the magazine) that Isabel was secretly seeing who years later would become her husband and father of Tamara Falco.

penafiel retrieved in a column published by The world that episode in the life of Isabella Preysler and her first husband after this Wednesday, 45 years later, the same magazine published a statement by Julio Iglesias on the occasion of the recent breakup between Isabel and Mario Vargas Llosa.

That day in the spring of 1978, Isabel went to the headquarters of Hola notified by Peñafiel himself and accompanied by her friend Carmen Martinez Bordiu to listen (both) to the answering machine tape in which an anonymous woman accused her of infidelity. “At that time, I had a very good relationship with Isabel. So I phoned her to warn her that someone wanted to hurt her,” the journalist says. “Thirty minutes had not elapsed when she appeared in my office, accompanied by her close friend, the Duchess of Cádiz, Carmen Martínez Bordiú,” says Peñafiel. “Together they listened to the tape over and over again trying to identify that viper, that anonymous and telltale female voice,” recalls the columnist from Granada. “They were not so interested in what was revealed there because they both knew it,” adds Peñafiel.

Isabella Preysler He asked her for the tape and left with her and Franco’s granddaughter. But Peñafiel’s story continues: “After an hour, Isabel was again before me, in Hola’s office. Alone.” The veteran journalist describes “a woman terrified because her infidelity would have come out.” Her husband, Julio Iglesias, was returning that night from Buenos Aires but before he landed, Elizabeth Preysler, anticipating the leak of his infidelity, he visited a lawyer.
Then he went to Barajas and at the same airport, barely ten hours after learning that his affair con Carlos Falco could be made public, he met alone with Julio Iglesias in a room of the aerodrome to propose the separation. “Julio, you had to ask me many times to get married but I’m going to tell you just once to separate,” he told her right there.
The next day, the singer delivered in Hola a sheet of paper with ten typewritten lines. It was a joint statement in which Isabel and Julio ended seven years of marriage. “Waiting for possible speculation or scandalous news that may originate from our personal situation, together, we consider ourselves obligated to explain once and for all the determination, to which we have freely reached, to legally separate. First of all, The supreme interest in our children forces us to resolve our personal situations in a friendly and legal way. The reasons, because they are intimate, remain forever in our conscience,” the note read.
On March 23, 1980, once the respective annulments of their first marriages had been obtained, in the chapel of the Malpica de Tajo hermitage, Isabella Preysler remarried, this time with Carlos Falco, Marquis de Griñón. Two years had passed since that morning in the magazine Hola. Much earlier, such as Christmas 1979, they had spent their almost secret courtship in the Virgin Islands. Tamara Isabel Falcó Preysler He was born in Madrid on November 20, 1981. That day, a bouquet arrived at the San Francisco de Asís clinic in Madrid with a message from Julio Iglesias: “I am very happy with your happiness. I knew you were excited about this new son. Did you receive the flowers I sent you from Italy? Take care of yourself, skinny. If you’re happy, so am I.”