This Friday was the big day of Isabel Pantoja. The tonadillera started her tour of the United States. She did it in Miami, at the James L. Knight Center in Miami and before a dedicated audience. Next to her is her niece Anabelwho accompanies her as a personal assistant, and her inseparable brother Agustinwhich does not separate from it even with hot water.
Read also – Isabel Pantoja, from Miami: last minute and details of her American tour
“Thank you for tonight,” the folkloric wrote a few hours ago along with a black heart and a series of photographs and videos of the concert, in which her greatest hits were not lacking, from light sailor a My soul falls in loveand the most recent songs of the tour In love with you. She wore various outfits. From the train suit to the long glittery jumpsuit. Also an elegant white dress.
The wall was filled with applause and praise for her figure: “They locked her up, but they could not silence her wonderful voice. Isabel crosses borders”, “I witnessed your great concert. Spectacular”, “It has been impressive, we have loved it ” or “The largest in Spain and the entire world”, were some of the comments he received from his fans. The public gave themselves up, even a spontaneous fan took the stage to the astonishment of the artist.

This Saturday, February 11, he will perform again at the James L. Knight Center in Miami, on February 17 at the United Palace Theater in New York, on February 19 at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles and on February 26, as a finishing touch. of gold, in the Coliseum of Puerto Rico.

Read also – Masseur, tailor and hairdresser: the entourage that accompanies Isabel Pantoja on the other side of the pond
They are very special concerts for the tonadillera. The last time she went on stage was last summer, at Madrid Pride, where she offered a very famous speech, similar to that of her former close friend. Maria del Monte In sevilla. Singing continues to fill her with life. In fact, she practically only leaves Cantora to go on stage, where she is herself again. Marked by the depression that she has suffered for a few years, steps like this are extremely important for her and those who love her. On the tables she forgets for a few moments the non-existent relationship that she maintains with hers, little of her soul, Kiko Rivera. Something that has broken inside.