Isabel Pantoja, humiliated: she will have to go ask for forgiveness and declare regret for her misdeeds

Just a month to go Isabel Pantoja return to the American stages, after years of absence, and it is still not clear that the tonadillera will be able to embark on her long-awaited tour.

On Sunday, November 13, he has an appointment with the 3,293 spectators of the United Palace Theatre de Broadway, located in the heart of New York’s entertainment district. Later, he is scheduled to sing in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami and Puerto Rico. A tour with which she will come out of her physical and mental confinement that keeps her in Cantora and will also alleviate her complicated economic situation, still burdened by mortgages, tax debts and lack of liquidity. But everything is up in the air, as some media insist these days.

Apparently, Isabel Pantoja verbally agreed in 2020 with Begoña, a businesswoman from Marbella, a series of performances, first in Madrid and then in the United States. The American concerts had to be suspended due to the pandemic, but for the Spanish businesswoman the agreement was still in force And she does not accept that it is now Eduardo Guervos, former manager Camilo Sesto, who manages his appearances on American stages and threatens Pantoja with a lawsuit for breach of contract.

However, this legal mishap, which would take time to resolve, would not prevent the Sevillian artist from traveling to the United States. Her problem is once again the special visa that every non-US citizen with a criminal record needs. A lawyer specializing in the subject, assures Informalia, what Elizabeth Pantoja, sentenced at the time and sentenced to two years in prison, which she was forced to serve, “she has to go personally to the United States consulate” to fill out the form where she declares sorry for the crimes committed and express purpose of good conduct. It’s not worth her lawyers going or making a power of attorney for her brother Agustín to represent her. She has to be the one to make and sign that statement.

In the organization of their tour, they assure that “everything is in order”, and that the documentation to enter the United States has already been delivered. On the other hand, those who know her well say that refuses to go through a procedure that he considers humiliating, since she does not believe she has committed anything illegal and that she was unjustly convicted.

If on November 13 we see Isabel Pantoja display her shawl and fan in the United Palace of New York it is that he has passed, discreetly and almost clandestinely, by the United States Consulate, asking forgiveness for his old sins.
