Isabel Pantoja, destroyed after the admission of her son, Kiko Rivera, due to a stroke

Isabel Pantoja has received the worst news in recent hours. his son, Kiko Riverawas admitted in the early hours of this Friday 21 at the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville after suffering a stroke.

read also: Kiko Rivera, admitted “in critical condition” after suffering a stroke

As he has told Isabel Rabago in Ana Rosa’s program, the tonadillera could have already moved to the Seville capital to be with her son in the center. However, the DJ is admitted to a special floor that can only be accessed by one person, in his case, his wife, Irene Rosales.

Antonio Rossi He has tried to play down the matter, assuring that this Saturday they could already discharge him: “It affected a very small area and the progression was not negative. They could discharge him tomorrow. He was lucky because being a stroke as it was, they see that the condition has not been very important. It is very localized and the area that has been affected is small”, explained the journalist.

Mother and son have had a bad relationship since 2020, when Kiko began to tell on television and in magazines that his mother had cheated him with his father’s inheritance, Paquirri. The war spread to his uncle, Agustin Pantojawhom he accuses of being a trickster, and his sister Isa. She even came to tell, exclusively, unpleasant episodes that occurred directly with her in Cantora.

They assure that the next few hours are decisive for the evolution of the DJ. At 38, he also suffers from gout and suffers from chronic diabetes. Kiko, for this Friday, premiered a new theme, Voodoo. A release that has been overshadowed by his hospitalization. Fran and Cayetano’s brother already published this Thursday on his Instagram that “it was a premiere, but well screwed.”