Isabel Pantoja, angry with Jordi González after giving details of her health: a lawsuit in the offing?

There has been a lot of talk in recent weeks about the health problems faced by the singer. “It’s serious,” “She has been hospitalized” and a long list of comments that have led to Isabel Pantoja to send a statement to nip all of them in the bud. “The speculations about the health status of Isabel Pantoja, Not only do they not match the real situation, but (…) they have affected and continue to deeply affect the professional reputation and honour of Mrs. Pantoja, causing considerable and unacceptable moral and economic damages, the compensation of which may be claimed in court,” read the note from the legal representatives of the widow of Paquirri.

They added: “They violate the right to privacy and confidentiality of the same, as well as the right to data protection of any diagnosis that may have been made.” Therefore, “the exercise of legal actions to restore her honor and privacy and compensation for the damages and prejudices caused to her is being evaluated.”

Despite this statement, which announced legal measures against anyone who spoke about her, Jordi González continued to give details of the singer’s health in the space DCorazon: “It’s all due to a nephrological problem, that is, in the kidneys”he said on a program on La 1 on July 13. The presenter made this statement after listening to Alberto Guzmán, who said this: “Isabel’s health is serious. In fact, she could have an operation next August, so the concerts she has planned could be at risk. It is a health problem that has not been solved.”

After this, the singer’s entourage assures us that the lawyers cannot believe that, despite having warned that these comments about health are unacceptable, they continue to be made and even given details, and more than one public channel, endorsed by the presenter of the program himself: Jordi Gonzalez

Partners in Survivors

The Catalan presenter and Isabel Pantoja have worked together. He presented the debates on Survivors in the edition in which she participated. And they know each other well. It was a controversial edition in which Isabel gave a lot to talk about, not only because of the bombshell that her participation in the realitybut because there was talk of preferential treatment towards her in Honduras. In fact, her departure was due to a health problem. “Medical recommendation”, They claimed. And it so happens that now there is also talk of that. Perhaps Jordi knows more than we think. Another thing is that he can tell it in the media. In that edition, Jordi González exploded against Vallejo-Nágera Casts, who was also competing for criticizing Isabel Pantoja’s attitude and behavior and implying that the program maintained a strategy to prolong her stay on the island “because of her name.” The presenter indicated the path of complaints for those who suspected a scam: “Those who doubt the program should go to court and file a complaint.” It may now be Isabel Pantoja who will listen to him and go to court.

Even so, the Barcelona native is not the only one who is in the singer’s sights. The presenters of This is life and some of those who sit on that programme announced that Isabel was hospitalised in Córdoba due to a serious health problem. It was true that she had been in hospital, but at the time when news of her admission was announced she was already resting in Cantora.
