Isabel Luna, Ortega Cano’s cantaora friend, puts Ana María Aldón in her place: “It seems absurd to me”

After a weekend moved by the new lunge of Jose Ortega Cano a Ana Maria Aldon and the tears of inconsolation of the former fruit seller, the turn of the pompous cantaora to speak has come isabella moon, the special friend of the right-hander who has been on everyone’s lips since the first images of the two together came out at the end of November. Gloria Camila’s father also attended her flamenco show on two occasions. He even delighted the public on the tables.

Read also: The “I don’t want to see you anymore” by Ortega Cano against Ana María Aldón and the plans of the Sanlúcar

On the rumors that she could have notified the paparazzi so that they photographed her with him and thus gain publicity for her and her show, Isabel herself said this Sunday night to the microphones of Europapress: “I don’t think Ortega is upset with me, far from it, nor that he thinks that I can generate this for nothing.”

In this sense, he added: “I have been working in my life for 36 years and I have had many popular people by my side and I have not generated any type of content of this type.”

The artist has also had a few words against Ana María. She says that José never spoke to her about Isabel during her marriage and that it is something that, ironically, seems strange to her. Well, they say they are lifelong friends: “It’s just that I didn’t live with the couple, I don’t know who he names and who he doesn’t. I don’t know, this argument seems absurd to me, I don’t know”, argues the flamenco.

Read also Ana María, broken into tears after hearing Ortega Cano slam the door: “Do not speak or I will go to court”

On the other hand, she tries to calm the waters and says that, for her, Ortega is a friend “without the right to touch.” Nothing special: “He is not rejuvenating with me, he is resuming with his friends, he is in the process of recovery, divorce.”

Nevertheless, as far as he could know Informalia, the 69-year-old bullfighter with the most famous semen of strength in Spain is excited to meet and see Isabel and he does not stop throwing his cane in case that beautiful friendship turns into something more. “He has always been very flattering with women and many times it has worked for him. But he has nothing to do. She does not want anything with him. He is only interested in the publicity that his show generates by being in the shows every day media”, a person close to them insisted, among other details about their relationship (friendship).