Isa Pi, emphatic about Isabel Pantoja’s absence at her wedding: “I remembered my brother more than her”

A week after saying ‘I do’ with Asraf Beno, Isa Pantoja has spoken on Telecinco about her wedding, a ceremony that has caused people to talk, among other reasons, due to the large absences from the ceremony: Isabel Pantoja y Kiko Rivera.

The influencer He has admitted that he remembered the tonadillera and the DJ during the day. Especially a few hours before going down the aisle. “Especially when she was alone, while I was getting dressed. They were with me Anabel y Dulce. I realized that they were super generous with me. There I remembered two people: my mother and my brother.”

The young woman has acknowledged that she thought more about the musician than the singer: “Really, that day I remembered him more than my mother.” Of course, she did not expect – nor did she want – to receive any messages from him given her past experiences.

“For him to send me a strange message that he doesn’t want to see me again in my life, I’ll pass. It doesn’t matter if he tells me anything,” he said, clarifying that he had “super assumed” that his brother was not going to attend the wedding. “From my mother, for at least a month, it was clear that she was not going to come. I have enjoyed the people who came and there are no more,” she expressed.

Isa Pi has insisted that the fact that her brother or mother remember her is “their problem,” not hers. “I am not to blame for what others feel because I have done everything possible for them to be there,” she said.

Regarding the singer’s plans last Friday, the young woman said that she learned late that her mother was in Córdoba. However, later she received information about her mother’s visit to the Andalusian city.

“I don’t have communication with her because I can’t, not because I don’t want to. She had some tests done, it was nothing serious and she slept at a friend’s house,” he stated, refusing to talk about his conflict with Aneth, a student whom he kicked out. of their wedding, and focusing on celebrating the company of those who were present. As my cousin said Anabel in his speech, “there are those who have to be there.”