This Wednesday was a special day for Isa Pantoja, since she had her first birthday as Asraf Beno’s wife and after the wedding they celebrated a few weeks ago. Isabel Pantoja’s daughter is now 28 years old and is happy after saying ‘I do’ and her African honeymoon.
“In my present there is always us and nothing else” clarified the young woman, making it clear that only “my two special people” are the ones who have been with her at all times: neither her mother nor her brother.
“Yesterday I turned 28, it was a happy day and life has continued the same, I feel the same” confirmed Kiko Rivera’s sister, ensuring that she did not expect anything from anyone and announcing that when she reaches 30 “yes, what I would like to do is a little party because I love birthdays.”
Isa sent audios to her family on Instagram and confessed that “this birthday has been super nice, I celebrated it with friends, Alberto and Asraf.” A special day since “on turning 28, for me a perfect age, I realize that in these 10 years I have learned many things, they have made me love myself much more today, I am happy with what I have, I am very happy and they have made me only look forward to see new purposes.
In addition, Isa revealed that “I have received new projects that I like and also this year 2024 is going to be very important because we are going to finally have the house and that means a lot to me” so we will have to wait to find out what the new developments in the young woman’s life.