Isa Pantoja cashes in and tells her mother: “I understood that we were not going to have a normal relationship”

The relationship between Isabel Pantoja (67) and her daughter is broken. The efforts of lsa (28) to repair it fell on deaf ears a long time ago, and now he has no choice but to accept it. She herself told it in her last interview, where she opened up about the distance she maintains with the tonadillera.

Isa Pantoja moved a few months ago to her new house in Puerto de Santa María, where with her husband, Asraf Beno (27)who understands perfectly with his wife's son, Alberto (9). Together they have formed her own family, which alleviates the young woman's pain over her unstable relationship with her mother.

“I don't feel abandoned by my mother, perhaps because now I have my own family,” has pointed out Readings in an exclusive checkout in which he shows the corners of his house. So much so that in her new home there is not a single photograph of the tonadillera: “I removed the photo of my mother when I realized that he was not going to have a normal relationship with her again.”

This decision has not only been made for herself, but also for her little one. “It hurts me that my mother doesn't want to talk to my son,” she confessed. “If we don't have a relationship, I don't want my son to ask me about his grandmother more than necessary,” has stated.

A while ago he had a snapshot of his mother in the living room, but that is now a thing of the past. “I also don't have any photo of Asraf's mother. It doesn't make sense for me to have one from my mother, who I don't see as being so close,” he added.

In search of the baby

He is increasingly aware of the instability he has gone through with Isabel Pantoja. “With my mother I have been through worse situations than not coming to my wedding, Thank goodness I wasn't aware before due to lack of maturity,” he lamented. Now he focuses his efforts on giving his son the best possible life and continuing to take steps hand in hand with Asraf.

After five years of relationship, the young woman recognizes her desire to be a mother again: “I would like to have a girl. I don't want there to be a very big age difference with my son. I recently thought I was pregnant. So much so that in the end I got my period and I started crying and everything.” This confession comes a few days after the model expressed in Guadalix his suspicions about a possible pregnancy for Isa.

The young woman married Asraf, now a contestant on GH Duofour months ago, and she is clear that he is the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with: “We got married in common law and it's going to be all about both of us. “There is complete trust.”

Strong on its adoption

Isa Pi has also spoken in this interview about his adoption. He acknowledges that he would like to know who his biological mother is and if she has “siblings or cousins.” “I didn't choose to come [a España]. I am super grateful for having been adopted, but the life I have had is what it is. The other day Dulce came home, we saw some photos of me from when she was little that she had in an envelope that Diego Gómez had given me. [exnovio de Isabel Pantoja]. We talked about adoption. And Dulce says: 'I don't want to tell you anything, it's not my thing.' I told him: 'if you don't tell me…'.”

“Now I feel strong to face that information,” he noted about this issue, which has come to affect his own son. “She found out about the situation two and a half years ago. [su adopción] why at school They went to tell him that he was adopted. “I had to tell him that he wasn't the one adopted, that it was me,” has confessed

He also spoke about his adoption in Friday! program for which he also got paid after interviews with Frank Rivera y Angel Christ Jr. With tears in her eyes, she remembered the day she learned about his origins at school: “I was seven years old and a girl at the British school I went to in Marbella told me that she was adopted, I didn't even know what that was. That same day my mother came to my room and told me that I was a very pretty girl and that she stood in front of me and asked me if I was going with her, since I was very small and didn't know how to speak I didn't say anything but I hugged her and we never parted.” A harsh confession that saddened even Mercedes Milá herself.