It’s destroyed. She was one of his favorite granddaughters. Fernando Fernandez Tapiasher little right eye, and they haven’t let her say goodbye to him. I would go He has remained silent by order of his father and respect for his grandfather, but announces that this silence has come to an end after the death of the shipping businessman: “Now the whole truth will be known.”
Brief but direct. This is how Iria Fernández Tapias showed herself this Tuesday in ABC. A year ago she was much more explicit about the family situation they were going through: “They won’t let me see him! We don’t know anything about his state of health. It can’t be! They can’t deny us the right to enjoy him. All his grandchildren adore him. And he to us. “It makes me terribly sad that something happens to him, for example, that he can never see him again,” he told The world. Something that finally happened.

A few months earlier, he was full of praise for him in Hola: “My grandfather is my hero. He is a role model and has achieved everything by being humble. I want to be like him. Have my own company, build my empire and continue his legacy.” And he added: “May I never throw in the towel, may I always fight for what I want and may I study. His ambition has infected me.”
a broken family
The family tension between the eldest children of Fernández Tapias and Nuria González was present during the businessman’s farewell. The widow removed the wreaths ordered by her stepsons and even prevented them from entering the cremation room.
The war started in 2019when Fernando, Iñigo, Borja (fruit of the marriage between Fernández Tapias and Chiqui Riva de Luna), Juan Carlos and Sandra (born from his second marriage to Juana García-Courel) filed a lawsuit to legally incapacitate him after certain business movements in favor of Nuria González. The court agreed with them and partially incapacitated Fernández Tapias, assigning the legal-administrative decisions to Florentino Pérez and the medical decisions to his widow. Since then, the businessman cut off all relations with them, a statement that some (such as lawyer Santiago Ortiz) deny: “It was not he who took his children away from him, it was others who took them away.”