After about seven years of relationship, the twins Manuel y Leo 4 years and the little one the father of 3 in common, Irene Montero He has spoken about the beginnings of his relationship with the former second vice president of the Government. Also other personal matters such as the death of his father and what he would have liked for him to have known his grandchildren.
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On how his relationship with Pablo Iglesiasthe Minister for Equality has confessed: “We had friends in common and I had met him once in an act of Izquierda Unida or Juve, but we had never spoken. I didn’t particularly like him… Then I already know him, if I had a daily life, militant in Podemos”.

In the same interview with the Huffington PostMontero he remembered his father Clemente, who died of cancer just twenty days before the birth of his twins, Manuel and Leo: “He knew he was going to have two grandchildren, but he couldn’t meet them.” Regarding the family he has formed with the former leader of Podemos, the purple politician adds that quality time with his children is what he values most: “I laugh a lot, I have a great time.”
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Irene Montero frequently shares details of her family life on Instagram. The last photo of her a week ago, when the children were drawing and painting. She also celebrated the new year with a photo of the three of them around the firewood: “2023, let’s go with everything.” At Christmas, she immortalized an outing to the park with Pablo and the three little ones: “The five of us”, she wrote next to a purple heart.