“Irene Montero has been politically annihilating and assassinating the one who has made her a bit of a shadow,” according to Ramón Espinar

Irene Montero has faced her most difficult day. Turning point in her political moment after two events synchronized in time and that have served as gasoline in the networks (they are fuming). The Minister for Equality has been vetoed by Sumar to come together with Podemos in a united force in the upcoming elections on July 25. A union that has finally gone ahead shortly after 8:00 p.m. this Friday, June 9. This harsh setback has coincided in time with the announcement that she has been sentenced by the Supreme Court to compensate the former María Sevilla, from the Free Childhood association, with 18,000 euros for presenting him as an “abuser”. The networks do not forgive. Critics add to the thousands of supportive tweets. Today Irene is a trending topic.

His party partner Pablo Echenique has shared this post on Twitter.

Television also fumes with this matter. The one who was general secretary of Podemos in Madrid, Ramon Espinarhas spoken with shocking categoricalness about Montero: “As chief, she has been politically annihilating and assassinating the one who has made her a bit of a shadow“.

It’s been on the show Better late, when asked by Iñaki López, about whether the political figure of Irene is “burning” after the law of only yes is yes, Espinar has defended the minister “for her management” in Equality. But he added: “What has happened has happened so that Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero control the formation of Podemos with an iron hand“.
