Very close to Pedro Snchez, he has never denied the close to the president and his project.

Irene Lozano, in a file image.
Filloga de formacin and writer of vocation, Irene Lozano I practiced journalism for ten years in this newspaper, collaborated in numerous publications and wrote several books – one of them, Languages at war, received the Espasa Essay Prize– before joining active politics, where he has remained in various positions since the 2011 general election, he joined number four on the Madrid list of UPyD, the party that then led Rosa Dez, with the aim of fighting bipartisanship, denouncing corruption and regenerating the country. It can be said that his speeches at that time were premonitory of the birth after the so-called new policy. The deputy became a familiar face of Spanish politics, both for her interventions in different television programs and gatherings, and for her work in Congress, where she presented numerous initiatives in the field of Defense, Foreign Policy and regeneration measures. The trajectory and destiny of Irene Lozano in UPyD was as steep as the history of the match itself. The training led by Rosa Dez was dissolved based on a hyper-leadership that ended up undermining the management team of which Lozano was part. After the 2014 European elections, in which Citizens Consolidated as the UPyD relay, I asked for a strategic turn in the match and the confluence with Albert Rivera. Without success, because Dez is entrenched. The already Secretary of State for Sports came to appear later to the primary to lead UPyD and lost to Andrs Herzog.
His outstanding work as a parliamentarian in matters of regeneration and, above all, his complaint of harassment in the Army that brought to light in the book No, my general, where he recounted the mistreatment of which the military was subjected Zaida Quarry, did not go unnoticed for the newly elected general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Snchez. Once the UPyD adventure had come to an end, Irene Lozano left her shortage and militancy when the socialist leader signed her for the 2015 generals candidacy. He signed as number four of the candidacy of the PSOE by Madrid of the former collaborator of Rosa Dez I did not feel very well at that time in the socialist ranks. On the eve of the 2016 electoral repetition, Lozano decided to stop his political career to launch some initiatives to disseminate the Philosophy and to teach as a teacher in postgraduate studies. But Pedro Snchez recovered it for an executive position – secretary of state of the Global Spain– when he was elected president of the Government in the motion of censure against Rajoy. A year later it was learned – when the book clebre was published – that Irene Lozano was the co-author of the Resistance Manual, the bio biography of Pedro Snchez. In any case, she has never denied her close relationship with the president and with the project that the president of the government defend for Spain.
The numerous initiatives to counteract the story of Catalan independence movement outside our borders have almost exclusively starred their management at the head of the Secretary of State for Global Spain. Quite effectively, by the way. Now Snchez is betting on her again to take the lead in Spanish sport.
The new Secretary of State for Sport is a woman with her own personality, great human formation and a lot of political initiative.
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