An almost saving triumph: “We came from some games in which the team had deserved much more, like Granada, Valencia, Vitoria… It was difficult to explain why those games escaped you. We deserved this award. We played with a lot of personality, we didn’t We didn’t shut down in no time. The team, in a very complicated field, continued to defend with the ball, with a certain pause. We’ve had very valuable individual performances. Obviously the group needed a victory”.
Important victory in the mental: “Above all it means qualifying. Mentally it is an important accolade, but we had a few games with little prize in my opinion. The margin was getting smaller and we needed it. More away from home. It has been a complete game. It is a prize for this group that, despite such a negative streak, has continued to believe”.
A Ray with very clear ideas: “We have practically not changed our idea of the game during the year, neither when things have gone very well for us, nor now when they were going worse. Only nuances, taking into account the rivals. We came from some games in which we were dominating, having more ball than the opponent, more shots, more corners… And it wasn’t getting to us. We believed and continue to believe, that this is the idea to get closer to the points. I’m glad that the match, very similar to other that we have played, has fallen on our side”.