New party with hardly any truce: “Now is what we have to do. We don't have much room to train, it's about recovering well and trying to get to the next game in the best possible condition. There is a lot of video work and preparation, less demanding at the level of the legs for the players. Afterwards if you lose, you always like the next match to come soon to turn it around “.
Defeat at home, return to Vallecas: “This changes every three days. We have two results a week and you go from one state to another immediately. After the defeat against Albacete, which left us with a bad taste in our mouths because of how it happened, we want to go home and to win again. Whenever it was, you don't get the points, you're under pressure at home, but so far the team is responding well and let's hope that tomorrow will be the same as well. “
Rival, Fuenlabrada: “He is going to demand of us. Last year he did things very well. He has strengthened very well, making a significant outlay in signings with the idea of being at the top. It is a team that plays well from set pieces, is strong at the top, has good wing players … He's going to demand us defensively. “
Keys to the shock: “Do not make mistakes. The other day we lost the game to set pieces and Fuenla is going to demand a lot from us in that sense too. We have to be serious in that sense and we have the loss of Catena who, in those actions, is essential The rest will have to give a little more. “

The list, the day of the game
Iraola will not offer the call for Rayo until the day of the match, a practice that has been common every time the franjirrojos play at home. The Vallecano coach loses Catena, by penalty. A very important loss for the team, taking into account that the center-back was the only one on the squad who had played full minutes. The presence of Joni Montiel is also in the air, after she did not travel to Albacete due to some discomfort in the soleus.