Iñigo Córdoba, indefinite absence at Deportivo Alavés

Deportivo Alavés player Iñigo Córdoba will be absent indefinitely due to a “synovial plica in his right knee” which will undergo surgery this Thursday.

The footballer on loan from Athletic Club during the winter market will begin his rehabilitation immediately, the Vitorian club reported in a press release in which it did not offer recovery periods.

The Albiazul entity also pointed out that the ailment in his knee that “has been weighing down for a while” the Biscayan footballer who “has not been able to perform at his best” due to this injury that he has suffered “for a few weeks” and that “has forced him to infiltrate to be able to continue training and be available to the team. “

Iñigo Córdoba joins the list of casualties for the duel against Villarreal in which Rubén Duarte and Rodrigo Ely will not be able to play either.