Iniesta has acted “in accordance with the law” with the Japanese Treasury and asks for “respect”

Japanese media publish that the Japanese treasury asks for 3.5 million euros


The now Emirates Club player Andrés Iniesta assures that, in reference to the Japanese treasury demanding 3.5 million euros from him according to media reports from the Asian country, he always acted “in accordance with the law” and that, in fact, he is waiting for part of the taxes paid, twice, to Spain and Japan in 2018 to be returned, which is why he asks for “respect” from the press when discussing this issue.

Given the information published in Japan regarding a claim from the Japanese Tax Agency, for some 3.5 million euros, for an alleged tax irregularity, Andrés Iniesta stated, in a statement to which Europa Press had access, that he is up to date with the payments.

“The underlying debate focuses on my tax residence in 2018, in the second half of which, as is publicly known, I changed my residence to Japan after signing for Vissel Kobe. In the 2018 financial year I filed an income tax return in Spain, for world income, in accordance with the internal regulations of application”, assured the man from La Mancha.

Furthermore, he adds that in the years 2021 and 2022 the Japanese tax authority opened an inspection focused on the discussion about his tax residence that concluded considering that he was a Japanese tax resident “for part of 2018.”

“The debt of this inspection was also effectively satisfied. Since the income of such period has therefore suffered an evident and burdensome double taxation, I requested through my team of advisors a request to initiate the so-called “friendly procedure” provided for in the Agreement of Double Taxation between Spain and Japan,” Iniesta contributed.

A procedure is currently underway and they expect its “prompt resolution” so that, according to the agreement reached by Spain and Japan, the excess taxes paid can be “returned.”

“That is why I demand respect and caution in the face of published information, while waiting for the process to be resolved. I have always acted and will act in accordance with the law and current regulations,” argued Andrés Iniesta in a statement that he signed himself.