Infantino's letter: “We will rise stronger”

Gianni Infantino, president of the FIFAHe affirmed on Monday that his organization will try to find solutions to the coronavirus crisis in a “spirit of cooperation” and was confident that when the world returns to normal, it will emerge stronger and more prepared for the future.

In a letter addressed to the “dear friends of soccer”, the head of the world soccer institution explained the attitude that his organization will take towards the Covid-19 and highlighted that sport and soccer in particular can contribute to “global recovery”.

“As you all know, the World Health Organization (WHO) It has elevated the status of coronavirus-associated COVID-19 disease to the category of a pandemic. In these circumstances, we must do everything possible to protect the fans, players, coaches and the rest of the people who are part of our sport, “Infantino began in his letter.

“In particular, the soccer world authorities must take all necessary measures to prevent further spread of the virus. In collaboration with the who, we are presenting awareness initiatives aimed at providing practical recommendations and actions that slow the progress of COVID-19“he added.

As a reminder, Infantino listed the WHO's safety measures and recommendations, among which he cited frequent hand washing “especially” before eating and having been in contact with other people; avoid touching your face, especially your nose and mouth.

Also cover those two parts of the face with a disposable tissue when coughing and sneezing; keep a safety meter with other people; and, finally, staying home if symptoms such as fever or other respiratory problems appear.

Seriousness, calm and trust in the authorities, Infantino's recipe

“Until now, the world soccer community has shown a great sense of solidarity and unity in the face of this threat. Once we leave behind this serious risk to the health of humanity, we must maintain this attitude when we think about the best way to face the consequences of this situation for the future of football, “he added.

In addition, he made it clear that “everyone” should take “this matter” with the utmost seriousness, calmly and “trusting” in the ability to respond and in decision-making. He also reported that FIFA will be in regular contact with all football interest groups during “this difficult period” and will seek to find solutions in a spirit of cooperation taking into account interests at all levels.

“Health and sports solidarity must be the principles that govern the decisions made at this crucial moment. I am convinced that the world football community will honor the values ​​of our sport. We must not forget that sport in general and football in In particular, it can, and I believe it will, contribute to the global recovery when we return to normal, which we hope will be as soon as possible, “he said.

“Complicated situations offer us the opportunity to unite as a society, to demonstrate what we are capable of when we collaborate, and to emerge stronger and better prepared for the future. Protect yourself and take care of others. Sports greetings,” he concluded.