First photograph of Infanta Sofía after her return from Wales. The party for the 10th anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI has meant for the infanta her reappearance in a public event (beyond the posing for the 20th wedding anniversary of her parents). She has arrived for her father’s big day.
Sofia’s image always leaves us with that smiling smile. She seems happy to return home and be with her sister with whom she forms a bond. The infanta adds a lot to the social image of the family. She brings that joyful impulse of age, naturalness, the drive of adolescence and spontaneous energy. Her looks are also like that, very personal like her. With the great line-up of events that mark the agenda of Casa Real for this Wednesday, June 19, I expected all the brilliance and all the sparkle of Sofía.

On this occasion, and to celebrate this anniversary with her parents, she has chosen a very personal jumpsuit that is very her style. An urban, minimal and cut out piece with a graffiti drawing. The color, navy blue. It is signed by Cardié. She premiered it in Oviedo in 2023.

We remembered Sofía that afternoon last Holy Week when she came with her family to see the procession of Solitude and Helplessness on Alcalá Street in Madrid. It was her last outing. Almost three months later, she is already back in Madrid. Having turned 17, he has completed his first year of high school at the UWC Atlantic College and has one foot in the summer holidays.