Infanta Sofia in its purest form: her two-tone dress with that ‘cut out’ on the hip

Sofia has arrived in Oviedo from Wales. This changes everything. It is not the same to travel to Asturias from home, in Madrid, with your parents Felipe VI and Letizia, which come from Wales, in the United Kingdom. She is very happy there with her International Baccalaureate, she gave us a very brief greeting with the journalists.

The absence and distance from your family have an emotional effect, with those nerves on the surface and also that happiness of returning. The Infanta, in Oviedo, is all smiles. When she entered the Campoamor Theater, she walked next to Leonor. They have walked together the 79 meters of blue corridor that connects the street with the stage. Five steps. They have risen in rhythm. Before, they have looked at their grandmother, Mrs. Sofia, who followed them with his gaze from his honor box, to the left of the Oviedo theater. They have also stopped to greet their grandmother Paloma Rocasolano, who has occupied the seat in the sixth row, aisle. Paloma, always in the hallway to hug her granddaughters and her daughter.

Leonor is the main protagonist in these awards. But Sofia also has her place. The infanta has found her space. Only her assistance gives Leonor confidence. Her non-verbal language is transparent. They are a pineapple.

For this ceremony, Sofia has returned to being herself. Sheath dress, like her mother’s, but adapted to her style. Bicolor, asymmetrical and with cut out in the hip. A minimal, urban, simple piece with high visual impact due to the black-white contrast signed by Cardié Moda, the same one he wore at the concert a few hours before. By the way, the infanta is very tall and her voice is more mature.