Afternoon visits for Queen Sofia. Yes, very organized. Barely fifteen minutes after the kings Felipe and Letizia will leave the Ruber clinic where the emeritus is hospitalized, has arrived Mrs. Elena. A period of time that may be the product of chance or the desire of the brothers not to meet at the medical center.
Doña Elena’s visit has been modeled on that of the previous day. Jaime de Marichalar’s ex arrived driving her own car and entered the hospital with a serious face, without even greeting the assembled press. She, too, did not want to talk to reporters when she left, covered with a borsalino hat and a surgical mask.

Minutes before, his brother, King Felipe, had been more friendly and talkative. He came this time accompanied by Letizia, with whom he spent the day in Las Palmas for scheduling reasons. As soon as they landed, the monarchs went to the clinic to greet Doña Sofía and inquire about her progress. As they were leaving to rest, the king rolled down his window to comment that his mother is “very well” and looking forward to “returning home”, although it is still too early to talk about the medical discharge: “Calmly.”
Doña Sofía, 85, was admitted urgently this Tuesday due to a urinary tract infection. Casa Real announced it early on Wednesday with a note in which it assured that its evolution “is being very rapid and favorable.”