Iñaki Urdangarin demands the houses of Bidart and Baqueira but Cristina refuses: this is how the distribution of assets has remained

The former favorite son-in-law of the emeritus is making the most of the latest negotiations with the mother of his children regarding the divorce, which will come almost two years after announcing their separation. With the stipulated monthly payment and compensation, as we published, only the shared properties remained to be seen. Iñaki Urdangarin He asked for the houses of Bidart and also that of Baqueira Beret, but with this one ‘he hit the nail on the head’.

The Infanta Cristina has granted her still husband the ownership and enjoyment of the property in which she had her first encounters with Ainhoa ​​Armentia But he has drawn a red line with the chalet in the Catalan Pyrenees, since it is a property that the royal family enjoys in usufruct, so Iñaki, upon ceasing to be part of it, cannot set foot on it again. And they have made it clear not only to Mrs. Cristina but also to King Felipe VI, who appeared there when he was notified of Iñaki’s presence with Ainhoa ​​last February. The Basque left by legs. He tried again last August, but met the exact same fate.

According to Juan Luis Galiacho, with the Bidart house the distribution of the assets that Iñaki and Cristina shared ends: “The inventory is closed, they have already given the go-ahead and the divorce is about to be signed”. He also adds that Urdangarin has already collected half of the compensation that was set for his years of marriage with the daughter of the emeritus (one million euros of the two that were stipulated) and that he has also already begun to collect the 25,000 euros per month as compensatory pension.