In Poland they ended a tournament and established the first champion in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic

Kielce, the Polish city that lies between Krakow Y Warsaw, is paralyzed. The mandatory quarantine that ruled the advance of the coronavirus pandemic made the Polish streets empty. In the same way that occurs in Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Argentina and so many other countries on the planet, in Poland activity was suspended throughout society.

In this context, the professional handball league published an official statement in which it reported that ended the competition, giving the title of champion to Kielce.

The club was designated as the winner of the current season, as it will be left unfinished due to the coronavirus pandemic. The final classification was set with the one established at the end of day 25, played on March 12.

The crown is for the ninth consecutive time for the Kielce, team that was champion of the Europe in 2016. The decision harmed the Plock, since the city team that is crossed by the river Vistula he was second in the standings and maintained hopes of fighting for the championship.

"Health is first. It would be extremely difficult or even impossible to resume the competition this season. The teams do not train and it is not known when they could do it again."Explained the president of the Polish league, Marek Janicki, after awarding the title to Kielce.

An opposite measure to what happens in places like Belarus, Nicaragua or Australia, where the last weekend sport activity was registered. In Europe the Premier League soccer Belarus, Meanwhile in Central America the eighth date of the Clausurto and in Oceania the final of the women's soccer was disputed, between the Melbourne City and the Sydney.

This is how the streets of Kielce are: