Impossible until November: the keys why Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva cannot “get pregnant” yet

Tamara Falco e Inigo Onieva they still can’t get pregnant. Newlyweds will have to wait a little longer to become parents for the first time: the vaccines that they have worn for their idyllic honeymoon in South Africa Isabel Preysler’s daughter is not allowed to get pregnantat least in the next three months.

“To travel to South Africa, it is advisable to get vaccinated against Hepatitis A. If you also visit the Kruger National Park -something the couple did- you must also get vaccinated against malaria. This means that you have to take a daily pill (Malarone) from the same day you arrive up to a week later, and wait at least three months to get pregnant. Doing it before is contraindicated due to the very high risk of complications and malformations,” they reported this Wednesday to Ten minutes professionals from the Traveler Unit of the Carlos III Hospital in Madrid.

Thus, and despite the fact that the Marquise de Griñón has been immersed for several months in a natural fertility treatment Called Ferilitas, the couple will have to wait until early November to resume the idea of ​​being parents. Until three descendants they would like to have, as Onieva himself confessed after the wedding.

In the meantime, back to TV

There are more than three months left until November, so Isabel Preysler’s daughter will focus on her most immediate professional projects. In addition to returning to the program Paul Motorcycles where she regularly collaborates, on Antena 3, Tamara will make the leap to Telecinco together with Carlos Sobera in an original format where the life of the aristocrat will become a musical.