- In social networks, you can easily distort reality
- Many users upload images to pretend a luxurious lifestyle

Social networks are increasingly used by people of all ages. The use of such applications allows us to have constant communication with people from different parts of the world, but they can also be a focus of distorted realities. On many occasions, to give a different image from the one you have in reality, many people manipulate users with certain images and videos that upload to their social networks to appear to lead a luxurious lifestyle.
A young American, named Natalia Taylor, wanted to test whether you can really play with reality and trick users. This social experiment was to get some pictures to look like I was on vacation in Bali, when I was really in an Ikea store.
This girl, together with a professional photographer, approached makeup and dressed for the occasion at one of the thousands of stores that the famous Swedish company has around the world to hold a photo shoot there as if she were in Bali, an island in Indonesia.
To make the experiment completely realistic, the youtuber published in its social networks, images as well as stories that its 1.93 million followers could observe. In some of those images even Ikea labels appeared that were left intentionally, in case any user realized that they were a montage, however, they all fell into their deception.
A few days ago, Natalia Taylor herself, revealed in her YouTube channel the deception and demonstrated with it, how easy it is to manipulate and pretend a different lifestyle to the one we lead with a few simple photographs.
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz42PrqWq-g (/ embed) Youtube Video