Igor González de Galdeano publishes ‘Pedaling towards success’, a leadership manual from sport


Former cyclist Igor González de Galdeano, second in the Vuelta a España in 1999 and fifth in the 2001 and 2002 Tours, publishes the book ‘Pedaleando towards success’, a leadership manual that collects the experience of the former professional runner and current founder and CEO of the Kirolife company.

Published by Kolima, the eldest of the González de Galdeano makes his debut in the publishing world with a work with a prologue by Ramiro Bengochea, director and author of the book ‘Do we cooperate?’ Bengochea pointed out that this book gathers the experiences of a great champion who achieved his dream “being faithful to his principles”.

In addition to Bengochea, ‘Pedaleando towards success’ contains the collaboration of Samuel Sánchez, Olympic champion at the 2008 Beijing Games and president of the MMR Academy for young cyclists, who highlighted the importance of the text because “many of the experiences lived in the cycling serve to get out of complex situations in daily life and in the world of work”.

Igor González de Galdeano reveals in the pages of ‘Pedaling towards success’ the step by step of a successful career in one of the toughest sports that exists, cycling, where teamwork is fundamental, but in which suffering and sacrifice are constantly repeated.

The book is an exhaustive analysis of his entire career, extrapolating personal and professional experiences to teachings in business management. It exposes the similarities that concur in the trajectory of a company professional with responsibility for people and a high-level athlete.

Teamwork, emotional management, personal balance, humility, or discipline, are some of the keys that González de Galdeano analyzes. The path to success, conquering the greatest challenge of any professional in any field, be it sports or in any other, materializes in knowing how to lead oneself.

Igor González de Galdeano was a professional cyclist from 1995 to 2005, years in which he won several stages of the Vuelta a España and wore the yellow jersey of the Tour de France for a week. In addition, he was runner-up in the world time trial in 2003 and also participated in the 2004 Athens Games.