Moments of tension this Wednesday in the Vespertino Program of Antena 3. The reason? The guest, Lucia Dominguínhe has been disagreeing with the interview of Ónega Sonsoles And he has made it known bluntly: “What boredom, really!”
The sister of Miguel Bosé He went to the program to present his recipe book and has been visibly annoying when the presenter, in her usual tonic with each guest, has given way to some videos in which the love story of love was remembered Lucía Bosé and Dominguínfamous for his infidelities: “What boredom, really!”, The interviewee began to complain: “I do not understand this, forgive that I am with this point. I think this part seems to me. First, because I come to talk about the book. Second, because my family is much more interesting in many other aspects that Mariví and what my mother said, that I put it in doubt, because my mother has never lost my mother.”
Sonsoles tried to calm her and redirect the interview: “I have learned about all this today.” “Well, very well, because you have brought me for one thing and now, suddenly, I find another story that has nothing to do. What do I have to put on? Turkey face? Well, no,” Lucia insisted. “This book is so beautiful. It is amazing, noses. It is very strong, really. Is everything? Is everything you propose?
The presenter endured the guy and gave way to a new video, a tribute to Lucía Bosé, who died five years ago. Nor did the guest like: “Yes … already … it turns out that we now pass from Mariví’s horns to my mother’s death. This is very strong, please,” he said more and more angry. At that time, Sonsoles was planted: “Hey, I finish the interview, I want to tell you … we are remembering Lucia. What do you want to talk about, just about the book? If you do not want us to talk, I give you a hug and end the interview, because it will generate a violent and uncomfortable situation. This is an interview approach, if we cannot talk, nothing happens, but we will continue to put the videos.”
Finally, Lucia agreed to review and comment on family history and, after an advertising pause, I apologized to Sonsoles live: “I don’t know what happened to me, I would understand that you would not invite me again, but if you do it I will take a tila before or something,” he said while the presenter promised: “We will see each other more times.”