If the League goes beyond 30-J, Atlético could lose two pieces

The League break and its possible extension beyond the usual limits of the calendar it can be a problem for many clubs. On June 30, the contract for dozens of players ends and, if the competition lasts until July, there may be a conflict. In the case of Atlético, going over his template, could lose two troops for that final stretch.

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Of the 23 first team footballers there are two whose contract expires on the last day of June. They are Adam and Carrasco. In the case of the attacker, it is because he is on loan from Dalian Yifang. There is another footballer with a similar situation, Morata, who arrived on loan from Chelsea until June 30. However, Atlético has already communicated that would execute the purchase option by the battering ram and, in fact, it is already owned by the rojiblanco club, as reported by AS.

In Carrasco's case, everything would depend on the agreement between clubs. At the time, Atlético announced its incorporation “until the end of this season”, but then it was not envisaged that the course would go beyond May. Depending on what happens to the Chinese Super League, the Belgian could extend his stage in Madrid.

Y the third case is Adam. The goalkeeper contract ends on June 30 and it is the most convoluted case and for which there is no concrete answer, because this is an exceptional situation. Because Adam, who since January can sign with whoever he wants for 20-21, could also renew and there would be no problem; or sign for another club, for example, but It is also unclear whether he could be signed up and play in July with that new team, still being the 2019-20 season. The Regulations on the Statute and Transfer of FIFA Players could vary and it is already working from the institution.

So, Atlético could lose Adam and Carrasco for the last days of the league championship, although both FIFA and the clubs have a lot to talk about in these cases. The same problem could occur in the Champions Well, although in the first place it was foreseen that the final could be played on June 27, now it has no date.