Ibrahimovic faces a new challenge: to be a coach

Zlatan Ibrahimovic it's always news. The Swede, who returned last January to the ranks of the Milan after two years in MLS, he knows at 38 springs His best time is over. The striker, after playing in his native country Sweden, Holland, Italy, Spain, France, England and the United States, contract ends on June 30 and does not intend to continue wearing the elastic rossonera, and more after Boban's dismissal from the Milan club.

According to the Gazzetta dello Sport, Ibrahimovic is determined to take on another challenge and end his career next summer.. His intention is not to say goodbye to the world of football but quite the opposite and say goodbye. Ibrahimovic, close to turning 39 years old, has decided that it is time to start directing. The coronavirus pandemic does not allow us to know when the Italian league will restart and Ibrahimovic does not want to wait much beyond June 30, which is when his relationship with Milan ends, to hang up his boots. Despite the numerous offers that the Swedish attacker has to continue playing football for another year, lthe last of the Monza from his old friends Silvio Berlusconi and Adriano Galliani.

In Italy they already assure that depending on how long the stoppage of the Series A by the coronavirus lasts, andhe Swede could have already played his last professional game (defeat by 1-2 against Génoa although with a goal). ANDCOVID-19 would force the Swedish crack to a bitter farewell.