Both the president of the team, Amadeo Salvo, and the mayor of the city, Rafa Ruiz, showed their outrage at using the two cherries of Pachá as a shield of the football entity

Image of the moment in which TV3 changes the logo of Ibiza.
The president of the Ibiza Sports Union, Amadeo Salvo, and the mayor of Ibiza, Rafa Ruiz, have recriminated the regional TV3 network that will use the Pachá disco logo instead of the club shield to inform the Copa del Rey match against Barça to be played on January 22. This impersonation of the official logo was produced in the Esport Club program of TV3, which attributed to Ibiza as a symbol the two cherries of the famous disco, while identifying FC Barcelona with its official shield.
The president of the Ibizan team, Amadeo Salvo, has been one of the first to show his indignation on social networks: “There are more fools than windows @portclub and you are among the first”, criticized on Twitter. Except he has labeled Catalan television “wasted”, which he has called for the game: “See you in Can Misses and I will tell you in the face”.
The mayor of Ibiza, Rafa RuizHe has also been outraged and in the same social network has indicated that it is “very bad taste” that a public television put a trademark instead of the shield of the city team.
In statements to the media, Salvo has agreed that the use of the logo “was in very bad taste”, and stressed that the authorities of the city of Ibiza have joined the rejection of the club for this action.
The president of the team has also clarified that “a slip or a bad taste issue of only one media” can never “lower the name of Ibiza” or a match of the “magnitude” like the one that will be played between the Ibiza, “a modest club, and Barça”. “We cannot let a tree prevent us from seeing the rest of the forest,” he added. Except, that has given the controversy by ditch, has acknowledged that more than anger, “has caused surprise and a small warm-up, but that it will not be more because they are nobody,” said IB3.
The president of the UD Ibiza has explained that he has received an apology on a personal level from the chain, but no rectification, something he will not ask for.
“If they do, we would gladly accept them and even lower the tone of the writing I made,” he added about his criticism on Twitter.
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