While everyone got tangled up by tapping quarantined rolls of paper, Marc Seguí (Palma de Mallorca, 1998) wrote the song of the summer. Marc has appeared on the scene as a midfielder who stands out and in less than a year the greats already love him. If we were him, we would already retire at the top. With colored hair and free on weekends. But he likes Pedri: talent and work. Marc Seguí nails what is important. He does not want to stop being a child and makes love songs with what happens every day.
How is your working method when writing a song?
In my day to day I write down many concepts. I still see a family doing something … I say how nice! and I point that. But for me first is the beat, then I hum melodies over it to make the rhythms and I start writing depending on the mood have that day. And when I start to write, some things are pointed concepts and others that come out at the moment.
Are all the stories you write real? Have you ever fallen in love with a fan?
That is a concept that we liked, I like to find a good concept and think about it. But no, I would never fall in love with a fan.
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp7S5llkWyE (/ embed)
What do you think of the urban music scene in Spain? It is often criticized that the greatest do not help each other to make the culture grow …
I do not know if it is the ego or what, but here the great people are very closed to collaborating together. Then you see the Argentine scene in which Duki brings up a song and all the greats of the country share it on social networks.
Who has been the famous person who has shared that you are most excited about?
Sergi Roberto!
The remix of Shooting It has been one of the songs of the summer, its numbers are spectacular … how did that feat?
He spoke to me through Instagram! He opened a DM for me and told me that if I ever did a remix, to let him know why he wanted to go up. I would go down the street and say … “they are ripping me off.” I called my manager to tell him and he started laughing, he didn't believe it either. He is a very humble boy, no matter how many people who live in another world. I freaked out a bit that day, the budget for the video clip was crazy, the clothes were special …
Marc Seguí in the interview with Diario AS.
And how did you come up with that video clip?
It arose from the idea of the video clip of the original song, in reggaeton something so colorful has never been done, with flowers … Even though he is the 'great' artist of the song, I always felt that it was my theme. It's an idea that I brought up with Xavi (the artist Xavibo, Marc's friend and with whom he shares several songs) at home. I composed it in quarantine and it was born from a beat from Youtube. I didn't even have money to buy it, which was € 20, and I called a friend to ask him to buy it for me.
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEfkNHTjgs8 (/ embed)
Where do you want to evolve your career?
The truth is that I do not have a … “I want to be such.” I'm so locked into my project that I don't usually listen to so much music, I'm just focused on my own thing and on improving what I do. I would like to be myself and end up being a singer who can tour all over Spain, earn a living and buy a house.
What are your favorite topics?
Shooting Obviously, and not because I blew it, but because it seems to me that the song is round, it has a beautiful chorus … With you crazy and Daiwal, both with Xavi. I like the songs with Xavi a lot, it's like a part B of my funniest project, which I really enjoy doing with him.
Any player who represents you in aesthetics?
I don't know too many street dresses, but Neymar makes interesting hairs.
How much value is aesthetics in music?
Aesthetics or your way of communicating in networks is what gives you credibility when it comes to being an artist. And I think that if you don't have credibility you are not an artist and you will never have an audience. Although now there will be many people who have heard Shooting And they won't even know that it's mine, or that it's Rauw's, the people who go to the concerts are the ones who see you in Youtube, who knows you.
Aesthetics gives you credibility, without credibility you are not an artist
Marc Seguí
Did you study anything before music?
I did ESO and halfway through high school I stood up. My mother put me to work, at the age of 17 I was washing dishes. I went to London and continued washing dishes. Then I went back and worked on the Zara Home, and when I was fixed I started with music.
And now you are curious to study something?
Music is my thing, I have it very clear.
Interview with Marc Seguí in Diario AS.
How do you manage the pressure before a concert?
You always have the tension of … what if now I trip over a cable and fall on my face in front of two thousand people? But it's like football, you felt that same pressure, but when you touched the first ball, it went away. When you go out to a concert, you say the first word, connect with the audience and relax. They are “I have to do it right” nerves, they are not negative.
There are several references to football in his songs: Icardi and Maxi, Boca and River, Eto’o's Mallorca…
It is what the song takes you to, it is nothing sought or forced. Especially when I write with Xavi, we are both very football fans. The reference to Boca and River (“She is from River Plate, I die for her mouth” from Ebai) We took it out on a plane and we liked it.
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPzs1ZQ_v_g (/ embed)
Who is your favorite player?
The best in the world and in history. And besides Messi, I believe that the future of Spain is Pedri.
How did you see Messi's departure?
It was hard … I had a hard time. I did not cry, but I was touched. It is the typical thing that every year the news comes out that he is leaving and you think “bah… How are you going to leave Barça? They will fix it for sure ”. And when he really left I couldn't believe it.
Do you play any sport?
If drinking beer is a sport … no, now I'm totally out. I like paddle tennis and tennis, I would like to practice them more, but now in Madrid I only think about music.
What do you expect from Mallorca this year?
Don't go down, please. I believe that it will not descend. Fer Niño is really cool, but he's on loan, he's leaving next year. Kubo is cool to me, although I think he lacks body, he spends the whole game running and has a lot of quality. But I see more of the future for Fer Niño, who is a tall, burly uncle, he drives, he has a goal… and Mallorca has needed it since Budimir left.
This week you premiere face 🙂, new single …
It is a topic with my friend Xavi. Now he is at a stage where he is putting out more singing songs and we really wanted to take him out.
Who is the greatest Spanish athlete in history?
Rafael Nadal. Man no … I met him because I made an announcement with him, when he was very young. I remember that they recorded a lot of me and when I saw the ad I thought… if I don't go out. I got paid, but my hair was just showing. As a child I did a lot of commercials.
What was the first salary for?
To go to London to live. The second, to invest in music.
New York, Paris or Dubai?
I have not been to any, but I think I would go to Paris. Or New York, I don't know.
What did you do at school breaks?
Ping-pong. I really like racket games.
How did you handle the quarantine?
I got along well, obviously you don't like it, but I was making a lot of music, I was in Mallorca in a house with a garden… it was a very inspiring moment.
Where did you see the 2010 World Cup final?
In a bar in Mallorca, with my family and friends. When Iniesta entered, we all began to cry, it was epic.
Would you play an individual or a team sport?
Individual, because I am used to music that if it were a sport it would be individual.
Meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner?
Eat breakfast. I love to sleep, but I prefer to eat breakfast.
The last idea that ever occurred to you
The decoration of my new house, some curtains.
Would you shoot a penalty in a final? And how?
I would throw it away because otherwise Morata would have to throw it away (laughs). To my left and flat.
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rTdV5BPHUg (/ embed)