“I will see if it is susceptible to a demand”

New problems for the Campos sisters. The Chilean humorist has returned to the center of the controversy after announcing that he is writing a book about his relationship with María Teresa Campos. Their statements have set fire to the world of the heart and have reopened old wounds. The daughter of the communicator has been blunt: “We already have our planet award, a best seller. Write what you want, I will see if it is likely to be sued or not. He has the right to talk about his life as long as he tells the truth, because there were also things that were not beautiful, “he said in VAV.

Only a few later, Carmen has thrown sarcasm to face a situation that, clearly, does not make any grace. When asked about whether he plans to read the book, he said: “Please, please, the first, without a doubt. I will buy it and everything.”

More serious has been shown when talking about the messages that his friend Luis Pliego, director of the magazine Lectureshe received a few days ago from the same phone number that María Teresa Campos had before she died and that Carmen herself discharged a month after the sad loss. The issue is in the hands of the police, which investigates a possible fraud of the type ‘peas. One of the issues that has caught the attention is the place where these messages originated: Chile, homeland of Bigote Arrocet. It is impossible not to establish relationships. Carmen has been very cautious about it and has asked for understanding, making it clear that it has nothing to do with the matter: “Listen to me, that I have nothing to do. I do not talk about him, or if he writes a book or if Write an encyclopedia, I don’t care, okay? “
