Giménez already trains with the group at Atlético after having overcome the coronavirus. The central still He has not been able to play this season nor has he left with the Uruguay national team, so he is taking advantage of the break to try to regain the form he has lost during this confinement. The charrúa has attended the club's media to assess his last weeks and what is to come:
Back to training: “It went well after a time locked up, luckily it has passed and I was able to reintegrate. Now to prepare well and quickly for what is coming.”
Home training: “It is not the same to train at home than to do it with the group with colleagues. I had no court, there was very little that could be done. The family was fine and the only infected was me. I tried not to leave the room and be always locked up and that prevented me from training normally. “

State of form: “I am catching the rhythm little by little, the first days it costs more but as the training goes on one finds the physical condition that he had before, which was achieved in the preseason and we continue to prepare ourselves for when the break passes to be strong “.
Equipment status: “The group is working well, it is seen that there is a lot of desire, a lot of enthusiasm on the part of all, we are here to add and that is the important thing, that the group is united. It is our strength.”
Calendar after the break: “Competitions begin to come more frequently and you have to prepare well, very important games arrive that are fundamental. We are going to prepare and face it in the best possible way.”