It was one of the main protagonists of the night, and its appearance has not disappointed. Aitana Sánchez-Gijón has been awarded this Saturday, February 8 with the Honor Goya in the 39th edition of the awards more precious from Spanish cinema. His speech, from beginning to end, has made tears jump both on and off the stage.
The person in charge of presenting her has been her friend and partner of the cast in several films, Maribel Verdú, who has led the ceremony along with actress Leonor Watling. Without being able to contain the crying, he has dedicated some excited words: “In his last days, Fernando Fernán Gómez regretted not having told people who wanted to what extent I loved her. I with you tonight I do not plan to stay with the desire. I want because you are light and talent. I love you because you are the perfect, complicit and read partner “.

As soon as I left, Sánchez-Gijón has melted on a long hug with the artist. “You know it was a dream for me to receive this Goya from your hand”he has expressed.
The award -winning interpreter has remembered the late actress Marisa Paredes in her speech to do A claim of culture and criticize new imperialisms and ethnic cleansing, in direct reference to Trump’s plans in Gaza. He also wanted to thank the academy for the prize and stressed that he is excited that they have given him the same year as to the “love of his life”, Richard Gere, who is granted by the International Goya.

“My main school was constant work, and not only through cinema or television. Also the theater! I love this profession so much that I enjoy the work of my classmates than my own. Impossible to mention everyone tonight. But let me appoint Bigas Luna, to which I get more and more, “he said.