Javi Hernández (Salamanca, 6-6-1989) has become one of those ball emigrants who has become accustomed to the exoticism of other places, of other Leagues. Raised in the Madrid Factory to Castilla, cousin of an illustrious club like José María Gutiérrez (formerly known as Guti), has just won his first league, the Indian Super League. He did so by scoring two goals in the final for ATK, the former Atlético de Kolkata, the club with which Atlético de Madrid operated in India. From Madrid to win titles dressed as rojiblanco. The man from Salamanca counts on ACE his new adventure in India, where the effects of the coronavirus are also noticeable.
-Congratulations on that Indian Super League … even if it was behind closed doors.
-Yes, it was strange! There would be fifty people in the entire stadium. The funny thing is that only the final was decreed. The League here are ten teams, therefore 18 games are played and the best four are measured in a semifinals with a double match and then a final. The semifinals did go to open doors. But although coronavirus cases are very low in India, it is not as dramatic a situation as in Europe and it was decided to close the competition that last match the day before. Although the final was never in danger.
-And he scored two goals, but they did not give him the MVP of the final.
-Well, no! Normally four prizes are given in each match and this time not, so I didn't win it … (laughs). The important thing is that we win the title.
-From Castilla to know the world. Sweden, Romania, Azerbaijan, Poland and now India. The life of the footballer on the road …
-You get used to it. Five years ago I left Spain and I do not regret it. They are different experiences and each country is a world.
-And in India you like the Spanish footballer. Almost every day he meets a countryman …
-Yes, as is. Half of the Superliga coaches are Spanish and ninety of the teams have at least one footballer from our country. It becomes easier. It is almost like playing in Spain.

Javi Hernández, with the rest of the Spanish members of the Indian ATK.
-Your team (ATK) was formerly Atlético de Kolkata, a club dependent on Atlético de Madrid… and now it has a nucleus of ex-Madridistas.
-Yes, there are three of us. At the beginning of the season Agus came with me and now in January Mandi. We played together twelve years ago in the Real Madrid youth academy, the three of us together and now we agree here and in a team that dresses like Atleti… (laughs). Who was going to tell us.
-Is India impressive?
-You have to know what you are coming to and what is there. It is a country of great contrast. We live in a hotel and very close to see a lot of poverty. At a soccer level it cannot be compared. You can only have seven foreigners per template and only five in the starting eleven. So contrasting people come. Before, the League lasted three months, the players signed that and left. Now it is longer and we sign more time, for example I have the next season. Although I don't start the preseason until July… I had never finished the season so soon.
-Does soccer shoot in the Indian subcontinent?
-Since the Indian Super League was born, Indian players have been growing. But here what you see is cricket, although I have been seven months and I still have not found out what the rules are like! (laughs)
-And how do you see Madrid?
-Well, I have to watch the games on Facebook and in English. I have to find life with fixes (laughs). It's being a super weird League, but I wish they would win it. With the Classic he was put on his face but the thing turned around, there is still a lot. I still have lots of friends there, of course I want them to win it.
“I am convinced that my cousin is going to put Almería in First”
Javi Hernández
-You will also be watching Almería for your cousin, José María Gutiérrez …
-Also, of course. Let's see see him in First.
-He has left behind being Guti …
-In my house we always call him José, so for me it is not unusual (laughs). I have never called him Guti. So now he has preferred it, as he has spent his playing years.
– the people have remained in their facet like player and they do not take in serious the José María Gutiérrez trainer?
– Right now he is a stranger as a technician. But you just have to see his successes in Juvenil de Madrid and now in Almería he will continue to demonstrate it. I am convinced that he is going to put the team in First and talk about him as coach. So far it has not happened.
-With the Indian League under his arm, he returns to Spain. Although it is paradoxical, is it a relief to return to Spain even though there are more cases of coronaviruses here than in India?
-Yes, my wife lives in Madrid and I have had to talk to her these days by video call and my family is from Salamanca. I still can't go see them there, but I'll still feel closer…