“I leave you with the best”

Iñaki López confirmed last Friday through his social networks that will be absent “For work reasons“For a few days of Better latethe labexta program presented together with Cristina Pardo. “I will miss a few days in Better late for work reasons, but he left you with the best“The journalist wrote in his X account.

In this context, after Friday his partner will not even mention him from the set, this Sunday we have known the weight of weight for which the presenter has not attended his job during the last days.

As has revealed THE TELEVISERO, The Basque has not been seen recently in the aforementioned space, since it is immersed in its new television project: Treasure or garbage?.

Thus, according to the aforementioned media, Iñaki will present this new format in which, every week, a duo of contestants will have to guess, among approximately 12 objects, which is the most valuable. Each contains a different story and a price that can range between the euro and the 5,000 euros.
