“I have not experienced anyone’s success”

If the interview of Ana Rosa and Jorge Javier on August 26 in TardeAR It became one of the highlights of the television season due to the number of barbs and taunts that came to light. This very Saturday, September 7, the tension was repeated between the man from Badalona and another great, this time Mercedes Milá. Both coincided on the orange carpet prior to the Closing Gala of FesTVal 2024, where they suddenly found themselves together in front of the cameras without having premeditated it, creating a very tense situation, especially due to the attitude of Mercedes Milá, who totally despised her partner.

So, just after Jorge started praising his predecessor in GH Saying “I admire Mercedes very much, like a ‘tieta’ the ‘tieta de Gràcia'”, she was asked about the success of ‘GH’, and in a very blunt way without looking at Jorge she answered: “I have not experienced anyone’s success myself.” He, laughing at the offense, did not remain silent and replied: “She’s already very successful, so why should she live off of other people’s success?” Mercedes then excused herself by saying that she had not yet seen anything of GHand when journalists told her that she had made a great report on her return this past Thursday and that she had caused a revolution with her return, she replied dismissively: “Yes? Did that happen? Oh, really?” And then he said with a small mouth: “Well, I’m infinitely glad.”

Stunned, but joking, Jorge then said: “Mercedes and I have a relationship of admiration, and she always rewards me with her affection…”But he wanted to play down the taunts he had received and when they were asked if they had a bad relationship, he said: “How could we not like each other if we are Catalans? I tant! She is the teacher and I am the one who comes after.”

But Mercedes has moved on from the compliments and the zascas have continued. Looking at each other’s faces, sheHe was told that he was wearing too much makeupto which he replied: “I don’t leave the house without makeup anymore. Just in case something happens tonight. I think about the party afterwards.”
