A few days away from being able to take a Christmas break, Sonsoles Ónega continues to push the agenda to the maximum. Today she was in charge of delivering the check for 10,000 euros that the Protos wineries have granted to the UAPO Foundation in their classic solidarity toast. The journalist was happy to be able to join this cause and with her we talked about the year that is leaving and what she hopes will happen in 2025, which comes with more surprises. In the purest ‘royal’ style, Sonsoles wore an impeccable white pantsuit, an absolute trend this season.
She ends the year committed to this cause, which consists of an integrative treatment of the cancer patient, uniting physical education, physiotherapy, psychology and nutrition to improve quality of life and response to treatments.
This year I have not been able to go to everything that they have so lovingly invited me to, but this time I have been able to go and I am happy. The schedule has allowed me and I assure you that it is very difficult for me not to be able to be in more places. I don’t know if my presence serves any purpose but I try to participate.

The truth is that 2024 has been unstoppable in his case.
I have had a very intense year and I admit that I have gotten tired because we all need our moments of escape and peace but I have even had busy weekends and that gave me some anguish. It is true that since September I have slowed down and today I feel calmer.
He is aware that he is in one of his best moments.
And you don’t know how I appreciate it, but a daily program in the afternoon is very demanding because in the end you are busy all day.
This year the baton has been passed to the new Planeta Prize and that is also taking away the responsibility and weight of the triumph.
I swear to you that on October 15, when the Planet was delivered, I felt a kind of liberation, just like what happened to my colleague Alfonso Goizueta. Now it is the turn of Paloma Sánchez Garnica, an excellent writer and companion. I confess that it is a kind of liberation and in that I envy the Molas (Carolina Mola) who, since there are three of them, have it easier when it comes to organizing.
Would you like to clone yourself?
What I would like is to relax and lower my level of self-demand and learn to delegate a little more.
What will these holidays be like?
In family. Christmas Eve with my mother and Christmas with my father and of course with my children. I work until the 27th and then Pepa Romero will be in charge for a few days.
What would the balance be like this year?
We have had one more hour of the program and we are still adjusting the content and structure a little but we continue to maintain audience levels although we must continue working.
What do you think of your latest television signings such as Ana Obregón, María del Monte, María José Suárez…?
I loved meeting Ana Obregón. He knows a lot about TV and handles audiovisual language very well. That’s very nice because I also learn. María del Monte controls the scene very well and knows the environment and María José has us in awe and I can’t wait for her to fall in love and tell us about it… What matters is that the team is more consolidated and is more recognizable to the audience, thus fulfilling a of the network’s aspirations, such as having the viewer consider the program part of their family.
Do you already like the press of the heart that is also covered in your space? Flash?
Of course I like what happens is that sometimes it is difficult for me to talk about other people’s lives because I don’t know if they feel like it, but I trust the professionals I have. I assure you that gossip magazines have always been bought in my house.
Do you think that this new year we will see the television series that is being prepared from your book The maid’s daughters?
As far as I know, the scripts are very advanced and so is the casting, but I fully trust the production company Buendía Estudios and Atresmedia. I admit that I prefer not to know much in case there is a leak, but from what I’ve been told I’m sure it’s going to turn out great. At the moment, I not only like the twists they have made with some characters, but I feel sorry for not having made them myself.
He also has another novel almost finished…
My editors already have the first draft. I think it may be on sale at the end of the 25th. It is a love novel, from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with a female protagonist and centered in Madrid.
When do you find the time to write?
I take advantage of the mornings. From 7 to 11 is when I write and then I go to Antena 3 and I no longer have time or energy.
The best and worst of this year?
The best thing was to have achieved everything and the worst thing was to have committed myself to more things than I could. That makes me angry with myself.
What is left for you to accomplish?
I would love to have a gap year but I see it as unfeasible. I have never had it and notice that now I regret it.
How does it fit that they always confront her with Ana Rosa?
I think there is less tension now. This season we have had publicity and if there was not before it was due to a strategy of the network that of course I was very grateful for but which are decisions in which I have nothing to do with. Today with advertising we still get good results.

How do you manage the comments that appear on Queen Letizia’s program, with whom you have a friendship?
Everyone is free to give their opinion what they want and anyone who says otherwise is lying, as I have read elsewhere, but obviously, and I say this out of my prejudice, I have a credibility deficit. It’s like I have to talk about my father.
Will you ever interview your father Fernando Ónega?
I have even told him in public to come but he is very modest and deep down I think he does it to protect me. But we have so much to talk about! I really want it and it would be one of my wishes for 2025. I think that apart from everything he has experienced, he has a television stage that I would love to remember in an in-depth interview. Like José María Carrascal, they created those author’s news programs of which Vicente Vallés is now recognized as the heir, as he often tells me.