“I can’t ask Nolito for more”

The Argentinian Edward Coudet considered fair the victory of the Celta de Vigo before him Elcheinsisted that his team deserves to have “many more points” in the standings and regretted the performance of kiko box because it prevented the goal of Iago Aspas.

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“We wanted to win and give a good image. The game was difficult at times, we opened it up and from then on we played very well at times. We generated many goal situations but we couldn’t close the match and there is always the fear of a draw”, he commented in his appearance before the journalists.

Compliments to Nolito

The celestial technician confirmed that the change of Kevin Vázquez It was planned because it had been in doubt until the last moment due to the sprained ankle he suffered against the FC Barcelonaand praised the honoree nolito because “he is a phenomenon as a player and as a person, he never loses that joy”.

“I can’t ask for more from Nolito, he’s a guy who has left his mark on the club and wherever he went. I wish him the best,” he said. Coudetwho trusts that Quotation marks can achieve his fourth Zarra trophy scoring in Mestalla.

“He has one more game left, hopefully we can generate situations for him because in that role I think we are fulfilling. Today it was not given to him, and that he had many situations. Hopefully he can score a goal in Valencia”, he pointed out.