Why do you aspire to be president of the Basque Football Federation?
To put Basque football in consensus. I have extensive experience in teamwork. Now there is a lack of consensus even in the composition of the board in terms of distribution of powers. With the ten Biscayan plus four Gipuzkoa plus three Alava it is impossible to reach a simple minority. The worst possible photo to reach agreements and even what the order of the day has to be.
What extensive experience in particular are you referring to?
To football and as an entrepreneur because I have been working with modern management systems for many years. It is easier to argue between three than between 17.
What are the lines to follow for your candidacy?
Prestige, referentiality, image and level of democracy. All that is on the ground. The management is so blocked now that even organizing a match is complicated.
What do you mean?
One thing is how everything is outside, but you have the problem inside. The same distributions of power, personal egos, provincialism and management is null. Lack of management, of course, due to the usual distribution of powers.
Did you meet with Landeta, the other candidate, to agree on a single candidacy?
After playing the game against Costa Rica, we met with Landeta on December 22 and they responded to us on January 13. We reached out and they didn't take it.
If he wins, will the denomination still be Euskal Selekzioa?
Euskal Selekzioa is a more appropriate term because it is a sporting term in Basque and Euskadi or Euskal Herria is administrative or political. The Government cannot influence even the name.
Would the officers continue to be the great objective?
Right now we are Second Officers due to our condition of a stateless nation and we are knocking on the door in the First Official competitions in a special political state. We'll see, according to the statutes, if we can be there or not; But we do want to be the fucking masters of Second. We have there a competition that is official, in Second, which is the Nations without a State that adjusts to our status. There we have the right, you just have to ask that you want to participate. He has never wanted to go because on top of that we want to go play First by a shortcut. If a friendly is enough for us, forget it and don't even say the word official.