“I always think that we are going to win”

The fullness of Real in the League is mixed with the difficulties it has gone through in the first two days of the Europa League. The defeat against Napoli increases the need to beat AZ, although Imanol Sheriff it lowers such relevance somewhat. “It's another game, important, but not a final. If we lose things will get uglier, but still with a margin in the games that remain ”, argued the coach at a press conference.

Slot, his Dutch counterpart, granted favoritism to the Royal and Bailiff returns the compliment. “I would say that they are favorites even if we play at home” because “they have won six points and we three.” In any case, “I always think that we are going to win, I don't care who is in front,” said the Oriotarra with his usual conviction.

Being first in the league does not make the Real de Imanol. “I have a squad that is aware of what we are: pure ambition, humility and work,” said the coach. In his opinion, “we are in a good moment” but “we have a lot to improve”. His example is that “the other day we did not play a game to win like this (1-4 against Celta)”, hence his message is to keep “our feet on the ground.” Emphasize Imanol that “this has only just begun”, he adds that “there is a lot left” and even imagines a context that at the moment is unthinkable: “Who knows if in 15 days there is someone asking for my resignation”.

La Real has only scored Bautista's goal against Rijeka and Napoli. “We were not right, period,” he defends Sheriff. “This team has a goal and is making chances and these two games did not have the day.” In his opinion “it is not because of the potential of the teams” and in order to beat AZ, “with the level we have, if we are right, we will be close to winning the game.”

Imanol expect an AZ “very young, technical, brave from the middle onwards”. The coach clarifies that “he suffers defensively” and is clear that “the key” is at this point: “Whoever manages to have the ball, will have a lot to win.”

Elustondo Y Zubeldia are the news in the call. The beasaindarra “is in perfect condition” and the one from Azkoitia “has been training for several days”, so “maybe he is not there for 90 minutes”. Further, Sheriff advanced that Zaldua is “very close” to reappearing, “maybe for Sunday”, and regretted the repeated step back from Illarramendi: “It has suffered a small stop once more. Relapse will keep you away from the team. A shame ”.