Humor places Isabel Preysler looking for love in First Dates or with the Emeritus (younger than Vargas Llosa)

An ingenious montage, a feverish imagination, a meme with a certain bad mood. The breaking of Isabella Preysler It lends itself to all kinds of comments on social networks, and one of them places the queen of hearts looking for a new partner in First Dates.

The image of the socialite is seen next to the message “Isabel Preysler, 71 years old. The word that defines me: Stretched, both physically and personally.”

In another meme, the funny scene appears in which José Ortega Cano releases the phrase “my semen is strong. Let’s go for the girl”, and it is played with the intention that he sends it to Isabel.

And in a third he proposes himself as a candidate for the new couple of the China to King Juan Carlos: “The Emeritus meets all the basic requirements in the successive relationships of Preysler: He is more influential than the previous one, he is rotten with pasta and his body asks for land.” Furthermore, he is two years younger than the Peruvian author.

A source close to the ex Mario Vargas Llosa He sends us his discomfort with the joke that is being mounted at the expense of his person. Isabel doesn’t understand that a sentimental breakup is taken so lightly, which entails pain and sorrow.