Hugo Silva denounces the violent altercation of an elderly man in the heart of Madrid: “He was hit with a cane”

Through social networks, we announce good news, share information of greater or lesser interest or exchange opinions with other users. They also serve to denounce certain episodes, as happened this Monday, April 24 with Hugo Silva.

The actor, very indignant, has denounced on Twitter: “This ‘gentleman’ has just given a cane to a companion of the filming without coming to mind and from behind and if I’m not ready he would have hit me. Alonso Martínez area. If you see him, watch out.” Along with these words, he has shared a video in which he records said man from behind, walking with his cane through the streets of Madrid.

The protagonist of Paco’s men and her filming partner have had this unpleasant surprise during the recording of one of their upcoming projects. In the responses, Silva has received comments from other people who say they have suffered a similar situation with the same man.

The actress Natalia Verbekeone of those affected: “Well, the same man the other day crushed my daughter’s foot with his cane with a very bad host on Calle Barceló exactly. And all because it bothered him that a 6-year-old girl was jumping down the street. He is a potential abuser. Watch out!”

Hugo Silva is very active on Twitter, where he has more than 400,000 followers. He now promotes headless chickensHBO Max miniseries that premieres on April 28.