Huesca fans love Mikel Rico

What to Mikel Rico he is loved and respected is an unquestionable fact. It happened in the Athletic and on his return to Huesca the same has happened. The Biscayan footballer is liked by the social mass of the Aragonese club, which has promoted a kind of survey to find out who has been the best footballer of the season. The exrojiblanco was the third in a ranking in which the Japanese stood out S
hinji Okazaki, that it has taken 28.9% of the votes.

The second place has corresponded in this vote with more than 2,000 participants to Jorge Pulido with 23.15% of the votes and, thirdly, rich it took 14.26%.

Solidarity work

On the other hand, as recalls, Huesca “has joined the initiative promoted by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) in Huesca for the responsible celebration of the upcoming San Lorenzo festivities.”

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This initiative has a video published on social networks in which it appears rich appealing for a “responsible and caring San Lorenzo” and wearing his green kerchief-

The money obtained will be used to finance research programs with which the entity from Alto Aragón collaborates, which “together with their counterparts in Zaragoza and Teruel finance projects worth 1.2 million euros.”