How to create a routine for creative minds

Changing habits from one day to the next is a complicated task, especially when we have not established a creative routine and have no clear motivation to continue. Sound familiar? It’s time to throw everything that has made you carry a lousy routine and habits out the window.

We know you can improve your life, and although it’s not easy, you can help with perseverance, patience, and creativity. Discover what a creative routine is and the 9 steps to make yours in an organized way.

What is a creative routine?

A creative routine is a way to organize your habits in a balanced, enjoyable, and motivating way. It helps you accomplish your daily tasks and improve your lifestyle.

Creative routines can be easily adapted to any way of living, and the main idea is to adopt habits that help you follow the day-to-day without limiting you.

Steps to make your creative routine

Now that you know what a creative routine is, here are the steps to make your own and see a significant change in your habits.

  1. Find a motivation

Motivation is the engine that wakes us up to continue our daily life. You may not have this motivation clear, or you don’t have your own, and maybe that’s why you find yourself discouraged, low on energy, aimless, and in the midst of doom. Sounds catastrophic, doesn’t it?

To find this motivation, it is essential that you explore in a general way the good things in your life, that you identify the things you like and the reasons why you want to achieve some goal. But what if you don’t have a plan, it’s okay. You don’t need to have a long-term goal, just set small goals in your day and give them a reason. With time you will discover motivation for everything.

  1. Be inspired and explore

Inspiration can help you connect and find new ideas that help you with both motivation and tasks to accomplish. For example, if you are not a person who usually watches movies, try to get closer to them and explore them. It could stimulate your imagination and generate ideas that never crossed your mind before.

It can significantly help your creative routine, as you will add different tasks and activities to the usual and have a different perspective on life. You can apply it to any activity you have never tried before, catching your attention. Explore without fear, and you will find inspiration.

  1. Write a journal

Just like passionate essay writers, you can record all the thoughts you came up with in a journal or notebook. Here you can visualize at any time those sudden ideas, experiences, and other experiences that will give you an impulse to continue and better structure a routine for daily life.

Keeping a diary can also help you get to know yourself better, reflect on specific life issues, let off steam and let your imagination run wild. It can also serve as a logbook to monitor your progress and improvements in habits, as well as your strengths and weaknesses to work on. This way you won’t forget anything.

  1. Organize your time

Now that you have your daily activities recorded in a notebook, it is necessary to organize them by schedule since you will distribute your time better and perform all your activities with a positive change in your habits. It is another way to give more shape to your creative routine.

  1. Establish priorities

Not everything is based on fun and enjoyable activities, and you should also set priorities. Depending on whether you are studying or working, you should identify the tasks that are top priority, such as handing in a project for the next morning, preparing for a work meeting, or even eating. Yes, because many people do not prioritize their health and nutrition, we’ll discuss that in the next point.

  1. Determine your limits

Have you ever gone hours without eating, sleeping, or resting because of other work or study activities outside of a “normative” or appropriate schedule? You probably have. Therefore, you must establish schedules and limits to avoid risks to your health and routine.

Respect your work schedule and try to finish in the stipulated time, just like with your school projects. You don’t want to go to work or school with maximum fatigue, do you?

Don’t forget to write this in your diary. It will serve as a reminder; if you prefer technology, you can set reminders or alarms.

  1. Look for concentration techniques

Several techniques will help you improve and optimize your concentration and memory. Some of them are the following:

  • Avoid external distractions. Work in a secluded place, without wifi or digital devices.
  • Listen to music. For many people, as opposed to silence, music helps them to concentrate and memorize things better.
  • Be physically active. It can help you release tension and stress and concentrate better on specific tasks.
  • Adapt your workspace. The more comfort and familiarity you have in the space where you work or perform your tasks, the easier concentration can come to you. Try to have a comfortable and ergonomic table and chair.
  1. Give yourself time to rest and have fun

After the long day of tasks or work should come a good time of rest and fun (if you still have the energy), this will help you to release stress, feel happy and rest to start another day, and it can also increase your concentration (when working) and motivation.

  1. Go back to the beginning

Everything is a cycle, so going back to the beginning is vital. You will see that you will get used to it and quickly adapt new activities and tasks to your usual routine.

We know that setting a new creative routine or creating one when you have never had one is quite tedious, but the good news is that it will give you benefits for life and will be reflected, not only in you but in those around you, as they can also learn from this.

Start step by step, and without haste, you will see that you will love your creative routine!