How much do the royals spend on clothes? Letizia is ranked 14th (out of 19) and Charlene from Monaco tops the ranking

The interesting and curious annual study on the budgets that princesses, queens and consorts manage in their looks arrives. How many premieres are on and how much is spent on clothes. In this list of 19 royals, Queen Letizia is ranked 14th. The data corresponds to the year 2022. It is signed by the UFO no more platform.

All the dresses, coats, pants and bags of firms that the royals have released or repeated carry their prices. Pieces whose designer is unknown have been labeled UFO (Unidentified Fashion Object). Then the authors of the report have developed an average estimate of spending.

Based on these parameters, Letizia is one of the queens (princesses and heiresses) who has spent the least in 2022. Let’s recap the data: she has released 129 looks. Of these, unidentified, 8 pieces have been detected. He has spent 53,919 euros. With an average per piece of 539 euros.

One of the most measured budgets if we take into account Charlene, who is at the top of the ranking. According to UFO platform the princess of Monaco has shelled out 739.541 euros in her closet over the past year. 105 new pieces, 7 unknown and a value per piece of 11.377 euros.

On the podium, is in second place, the princess Olympia from Greecedaughter of Pablo (cousin of Felipe VI) and Marie-Chantal from Greece. Olympia has raised its spending on clothing to 227.604, with 51 premieres. Third, the Princess of Wales Kate Middleton. The daughter-in-law of Carlos III records an expense of 217,310 and 204 premieres (photo below).

The princess Sofia from Sweden, wife of Carlos Felipe, rises to fourth position. Sofia, with just over 163,000, is placed ahead of her sister-in-law Victoria hers, the heiress to the Swedish throne.

After the grand duchess Maria Theresa of Luxembourg (more than 134,000) figure Meghan Markle. The Duchess of Sussex, who has closed a 2022 marked by her Netflix series, has recorded a wardrobe expense of more than 106,000. With 97 new looks and more than 1,500 euros on average for each piece. In other words, twice as much as Doña Letizia.

the queen follows matilda from belgium (approximately 103,000 euros); the princesa Mary, wife of Frederick and heiress of Denmark (92,000); the Countess Sophie of Wessex, woman of Edward of England (87.000); Beatrizis del principe Andrés (also 87,000).

In this ranking Marie Chantal, which is placed ahead of Letizia with an expense of more than 75,000. Pablo’s wife from Greece is in 11th place. behind, the queen máxima of holland, which has spent more than 72,000; and norway Mette Marit55.000.